Over the last several weeks there has been much said about the tragic shooting of a young man in Florida. Apparently, what is most significant is that he was wearing a hooded sweat shirt. The “hoodie” has become a symbol of youth rebellion, gang affiliation, hoodlums, and etc. What is most significant is that the “hoodie” represents hiding and hiding is as American as apple pie.
Historically, veils (along with chastity belts)for women have been a common hiding practice and the tradition of wedding veils stems from that ancient custom. Frontier women wore bonnets which not only protected them from wind and sun but also hid them from wandering eyes. The lowly handkerchief protected cowboys from dust storms and provided an easy shield for bandits. Sunglasses protect our eyes from the sunlight and give us the anonymity for “Cool”. Hats, caps, and scarves allow us a quick adoption of a myriad of personas.
The thing about hiding in plain sight is it allows the hider to “assume” anonymity/invisibility through a perceived alter ego. Similarly, the seeming anonymity of the Internet with bogus screen names and mystery internet addresses fills chat rooms, blog sites, and online forums with cowardly rude and crude comments. Being invisible makes us brave. Does my hoodie make me look invisible or invincible? What about my gun?.
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