Louise made an interesting observation this morning which raised my eye brows. She commented that she was somewhat disturbed by the coverage of the “Boston Bombings”. She said she found the sensationalism of the event disturbing. A catastrophe as entertainment is inexcusable but more important, the coverage and reports is obvious fear mongering. She noted that there are people, in the US and without, who go to sleep nightly in poverty with no food and waking to the fear of their next day. We are so lucky that this type of thing occurs infrequently compared those whose homes are war zones.
I don’t mean to down play the tragedy of violent acts but this is the world we live in; Americans cannot continue to play the fear card. Stand UP!
If you think you have to buy a gun to make you less afraid then do it or don’t but please make sure you get the training to be secure with you decision. If you increasing your physical prowess will save you; take a self defense course, start martial art training but don’t just sit there. If you think your faith will carry you through; then get serious and start praying but stop being afraid. If you think leaving the country will make you more secure; get your passport in order but stop being afraid. There are enough laws to cover all of the possibilities regarding the threats to our security but quite often the correct course might be to turn off your TV, close your computer, or shut off your phone and talk to the person next to you.
My aunt Inez used to say, “If the good Lord is going to get you, he’s going to get you:” My friends stop being afraid, either take some sort of corrective action or leave, and I don’t care where you go..
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