Over the last several years I’ve tried not to get into political discussions because the inevitably ended with discounting or derogatory remarks. I then proclaimed my posts mine with the statement I would share, own and appreciate my views of the world. That stated I moved to mostly posting comments from the Black media, informing viewers about Black history, understanding slavery was a business which justified by dehumanizing Africans and the understanding of Africa and African history.
Unfortunately, I’ve found my self stooping to engage in discussions and comments regarding the current political race. I’ve made it a point to keep my comments regarding #45 to a minimum because he has done nothing to surprise me and he is the Western Worlds symbol of “White Supremacy”, in short, he didn’t get there by himself. Note, I didn’t say racist or racism. Following the words of Dr. Claud Anderson, we must be specific in our language to avoid confusion and deception. Thus, a political choice for one “White Supremacist” for a lesser “White Supremacist” is not a choice at all. I am not really interested in the current political process because I don’t see any true advantage to Black people.
When discussing this I’ve noted two types of responses:
- White liberals assume that Black people must be democrats because that is the path to salvation. “… but fewer and fewer Black men being killed as opposed to more and more. The immediate vote may be distasteful and the results in terms of Black lives small, but the gains will be incremental. Future generations will be able to point to that vote, that change in leadership, as the merciful turning point.” How insulting/patronizing to assume that Black people are just waiting for the “light”. This is the first myth noted by Dr. John Henrik Clarke as the justification for using Africans for slaves: “The myth of a people waiting in the darkness for another people to bring them to light.”
- I live in an irrationally liberal “Blue” state, therefore my vote will always be diluted.
- On the other side, conservatives, white and black, ensue that Black people are better off being a slave than in Africa. 500 years of chattel enslavement, torture, murder, Slave Codes, Black Codes, Jim Crow, sharecropping, redlining, etc. and yet we would have been better. What selective thinking/view of the world.
Those people listening to Black Conservatives, Shelby Steele, Glenn Loury, John McWhorter, Coleman Hughes, Thomas Sowell, etc. need to recognize that their primary audience is “white” not that some of their observations would be valuable to those of us who are “American descendants of slaves”. Take a look at this discussion with Glenn Loury and Coleman Hughes. These are discussions that need to be aired; I don’t agree with all but believe the discussion is relevant and not publicized by mainstream media.
My point being is there are discussions that should be aired not only on CNN, FOX, and CNBC but on the Black media; unfortunately, these discussions go unheard or only in select groups or academia.
On a personal note, these are the things that I feel should be relevant going forward:
a. Eliminate the use of vague terminology. “White Supremacy” a system furthered by name-calling, redlining, discrimination, etc. i.e. White Supremacy is racism. Time to stop euphemizing our plight.
b. It is obvious that Black political participation in the US election process has not changed the overall plight of average and lower-income Black Americans.
c. Political changes should include Campaign Finance Reform, Banking and Financial institution reform towards transparency and control.
d. Educational reform to upgrade the experiences of students to include not only academics but increase the world view.
I conclude with this video with Glenn Loury who I may not totally agree with but who addresses my challenge the last several years, “where is the debate within the Black community of those issues that affect us whether we live in Great Bend, Kansas or Chicago.” I’m not convinced that the Breakfast Club meets this challenge but my challenge to you is to upgrade your information resources and Stop listening to CNBC, Fox News, and CNN.