I was surprised this week when I got this form email response from Washington Senator Patty Murray. I obviously filled in some online petition regarding Senate Bill H.R.40/S.1083, Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act. Being curious about the bill that we have heard nothing in almost a year I went to the government site regarding this bill and found out that other than reading the bill there has been no action. How disappointing.
There are a number of Democrat congressional persons signed on to the bill but other than a visibility opportunity, I don’t know what they are supporting. Since 1987 from the House to the Senate; this bill has been languishing. What are they thinking of studying? There is a wealth of studies, books, and documentaries that chronicle the oppression, terrorizing, and suppression of Foundational Black Americans from 1526 until the present.
Again, what are they studying? What historians, economists, sociologists, psychologists, educators are being invited to speak/present?
Sen. Patty Murray Reparations Letter
In case you are interested the government tracker offered this widget to monitor the progress of this bill.